Young Writers Program – NaNoWriMo

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

The Book Worm and PositivelyLena, LLC are excited to bring you a very special free writing program. Want to participate in @nanowrimo Young Writers Program but don’t know where to...

The Basics Cobb County Workshop

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

The Basics Cobb County is Cobb Collaborative's Birth-5 programming that aims to provide fun, simple, and powerful strategies to help every child reach their full potential. Parents & Caregivers of little...

Young Writers Program – Special Guest Nicole Collier

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

The Book Worm and PositivelyLena, LLC are excited to bring you a very special free writing program. Want to participate in @nanowrimo Young Writers Program but don’t know where to...

Special Stuffy Sleepover – with Carmen Agra Deedy Storytime

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Your child’s stuffed animal is invited for a special stuffy sleepover at The Book Worm! Friday, December 1st (anytime during business hours) drop off stuffy with a kiss and a...

Storytime with Mrs. P. – Christmas Edition

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Special Christmas Edition Join us for Afternoon Storytime with Mrs. P! Not only will there be a fun interactive storytime, but a craft as well. Mrs. P! loves to come...

Storytime with Mrs. Claus

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Bring your letters for Santa and enjoy Storytime with Mrs. Claus

Book Worm Celebration Day

On January 3, 2023 Mayor Al Thurman and members of the City Council for the City of Powder Springs proclaimed the day - Book Worm Celebration Day. At The Book...

The Basics Cobb County Workshop

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

The Basics Cobb County is Cobb Collaborative's Birth-5 programming that aims to provide fun, simple, and powerful strategies to help every child reach their full potential. Parents & Caregivers of little...


The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Bookstore will be closed all day for a private event

January Book Club

Join us for our 1st book club meeting of the year!

The Basics Cobb County Workshop

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

The Basics Cobb County is Cobb Collaborative’s Birth-5 programming that aims to provide fun, simple, and powerful strategies to help every child reach their full potential. Parents & Caregivers of little...