My Night of Reading & Relaxation

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Is reading more books part of your journey this year? Have you ever wanted to be a part of our book club, but needed more than a month to read a book?  Would you read more if you had a dedicated quiet space to read?  Are you looking to add reading to your self-care routine?...

My Night of Reading & Relaxation

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Is reading more books part of your journey this year? Have you ever wanted to be a part of our book club, but needed more than a month to read a book?  Would you read more if you had a dedicated quiet space to read?  Are you looking to add reading to your self-care routine?...

Spring Storytime

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Spring Storytime

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Spring Storytime

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Bark in the Park

Thurman Springs Park 4485 Pineview Drive, Powder Springs, Georgia

Bark in the Park is a City of Powder Springs event to which you and your fur babies are invited! The Book Worm will have storytime for the kids and their four-legged friends.

Stuffy Sleepover – Halloween Edition

The Book Worm Bookstore 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA

Your child’s stuffed animal is invited for a special Halloween sleepover at The Book Worm! Friday, October 27th (anytime during business hours) drop off stuffy with a kiss and a hug make a name tag for your stuffy…all supplies included Saturday, October 28th at 10:30 am Pick stuffy up, your surprise book, and photos from...